Once again
Lets go......hehehe~ Y
Because i'm into them these days so I would like to briefly introduce these 5
guys demo zannen na because their comeback is postponed next yr T_T......
~~ Bang Cheol Yong aka MIR.....maknae of MBLAQ. cute mir goon yang muke cam HONgki... hehe... =.=

~~G.O....the hairy-dol. he got nice voic3

~~ouri Leader YANG SEUNGHO....my cute yang chopin..kekekeke~...the oldest but same age as G.O. si genius yg hensem, terrer gile main piano [i'll show u series of yang choping later], akrobatik , beat box, magic (sme cam donghae..hehe~)...yaaaa..ak mmg bias gile. tgk berape pjg ak explain....kekekeke~~

~~CHUN DOONG...brother of Sandara Park 2NE1. he have the ninth face body (is it?...ekekeke)
~~and finally LEE JUN...young bi in Ninja Assassin. idiot-muscle man.....
p/s: nak gi tengok FUGITIVE. PLAN B...runn..runnn..runn...

Music Boys Live In Absolute Quality