hujan lebat giler.....
hati pun jd sayu jer...puahaha~~...syahdu rsenye....mcm pagi raye....^^
rahmat tuhan at least kite kene dak??
is another day, my desk mate having her first fight with her mother-in-law...
then, with confidence-xtau malu-xkawen lg i gave her my advice "kak, ini adalah liku akak yg pertama..this is just the trimester of ur marriage..u need to stand tall n pull yourself together"..ceewaaahh~~
with a sad face she answered me.."akak takut la..i feel bad..."
i replied back dgn muker xmalu..."dont worry. time will flow"
buahahaha~~...ak pon xtau nape ckp gitu maybe sbb tgh main smurf bwh meja n terpaksa mndengar luahan hati die....hehehe~sory kak..i feel bad now...
ok this is just the preview where i went to Krabi island, Thailand last January..It was so much fun..hanging out with fellow colleagues...We having a BLAST!!!!! esp the "massage"