hyperbola jer tueee......
like a week didnt write n ak agak gian utk menulis.....
bz 4 konvo n my final trip to tganu [tpu jer~thun dpn ak g lg ^^]
i will post a series of entries so u guys out there be prepared ok!![sbnrnye efiechan sorg je penonton setia blog ak nie..huahua!]...jgn juling mte sudah~~~~
but this weekend quite bz so mybe start mengarang next week..yoroshiku~~~
cek mar kte siyes da gle bayang~~~
xlarat ak mlayan die..^^
nntikan kisah gugurnya bunga sakura di KLIA~^__^

haha!! sengal..!! taw xpe.. aku pn pning dah..~~h0h0.. xper.. akualwez supp0rt cek mar..
but..dun u think she's very daring..??=p
weh..ko bz wat mende?? aku da publish gmbr kat faceb0ok..diorg tgh d0k pulun memeriahkn fb.. pi la j0in..=)
cek mar 2 kamikaze....haha!
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