A strong woman works out everyday to keep her body in shape…
But a woman of strength builds relationships to keep her soul in shape
A strong woman isn't afraid of anything…
But a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of fear.
A strong woman won't let anyone get the better of her…
But a woman of strength gives the best of herself to everyone.
A strong woman makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future…
A woman of strength realises life's mistakes can also be unexpected blessings, and capitalises on them
A strong woman wears a look of confidence on her face…
But a woman of strength wears grace.
A strong woman has faith that she is strong enough for the journey…
But a woman of strength has faith that it is in the journey that she will become strong.
p/s - dedicated to you!
u know who u are...
Copyright © 2005 Dee Cheeks

thanx a l0t....~~ i'm t0uched... hehe... saranghae.... =)
if only by being strong can cure everything,i would likely hope dat it wud cure me.
i've been living and fighting for life since ages.
and now i'm feeling the deepest pain in me,pain dat is unlikely can be help,or cure..
i may look strong outside but inside i am struggling and yet trembling with tears.how was that...
i'm not the right person to tell you this...
but i hope you can find the truest meaning in your life and lead a better and peaceful life for the sake of your loved one....
remember, there always be someone that always there with you and stand right behind your back and the most important thing is to pray to GOD...
GOD will never let you down....
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