super girl mv by super junior m
dong hae look real hot!!!
but i hate the spec bcoz one time he keep push the spec up~~quite not nice..T_T
neway ouri dongdong still sooo kakkkkoooiiii~~~~~~~
ak mmg xthn kalo tgk dier dance...
hangeng-sama...suit ur self...
u look really comfortable with dat nerdie outfit..hoho~~~
the rest look good...n as always d cool hyun~~hehe~~
but i really dislike daniel..look like a copy cat...sorryyy~~~
n d real deal!!!!
wth with jessica!!??
xder org laen ke??yuri or yuna better i think....
p/s - donghae ngan cap to really give different impact....
classy beb!....^^

sematt nak mati.nyatalah benar.patutla kamu sume kasi descripsi tahap dewa melambong.dokidokinaa..
itsumade super jr ichibang da!!!
darega han geng ni soshirutte?!lama da bhidup?
super jr t, m ada,h ada.tunggu suju b.bahasa.kot2 bley nyanyi bile larut malam lak hyukjae tu nanti.impian.
haha..!!~ pekejadah dia nk nyanyi bile larut mlm.. =p
yay..!! d0nghae biting his lips tym awal2.... arghhh... pengsan =)
cek mar..den forget ur feveret si hangeng yg berkaki pjg tuh...hoho!
ko stat a sj b mner tau ak leh jd manager diorg..wokoko..lgu raihan pon ak leh ajar........
efie-chan ur so erooop~~~~~...wakaka...
hehehehe..i cant stop thinking bout u...dongdong a...saranghae~
suju hwaithing!
haha..!!~ sengal.. k0 nk aja lagu raihan..?? di0rg x perlu dance la ekk.. aku baru nk gantikn jessica dlm mv di0rg.. heh..~~ =p
marni mmg suke hangeng?? hehe..~~ pat0t ar dia bg aku hangeng kat fb.. =p
^hankyung sgt smart biler pkai singlet^ haha..s0unds weird..?=b
firstly..ko mmg weird!
n ko nk jd jessica dlm mv dier???
xyah a..ko jd model dlm mv raihan sudaaaa~~~~
qis.. aku rindu hyukjae... =p
Ak windu sme dongdong ku!
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