new drama for friday night slot starring Hideaki Takizawa and Nishikado Ryo...
about two people who got different power. Hideaki Takizawa as Ryuzaki Shinji who possess a God hand which can cure wounds and illness, is in fact an introvert person with dark attitude while Nishikado Ryo as Aoi Ryosuke who had the opposite power, Demon hand which can kill a person by touching him but with angel attitude and pure. this story telling us about the meaning of power, love and relationship.
i personally love the final episode...dont miss it!

p/s - definitely must watch drama for suspense genre! enjoy!

ada download tak?
xde a mek...
awes0me..!!~ hideaki yg kakk0o0oiii.. ^^
but last skali di0rg x tsrmpak pn.. =p
btw..t0ky0 d0gs mmg lawak sbb de nanba..!!~ ^__^
hehe...ak da tgk 1st eps...mmg besh!oguri shun yg kakkoii...
tp ak rse dlm orthros no inu ni ryo-kun mmg dahsyat pnye hensem!!!
btween where hv u been??lme xdgr cte?
neway, npe ak xleh msuk blog dikau?
ko xleh mas0k bl0g aku?? bet0l ke?? nape ekk?
ptot la aku da lame x dpt k0men dr k0..hahahhaha..!!~
where i hv been?=b dia yg bz manjang.. tnya aku plak.. hehe..^^
qis.. aku suke gile part nanba gad0 ngan san0 tym nak keja org jhat tu..
'like u american ppl eating hamburger n cheese'
'eh..ade jugak org america mkn ikan..'
haha!!~ sengal giler.. xde kena mngena lgsg.. =p
ape cer ni? tak update aku pun crite baru.nanbala.sanola.
kasi cerite sikett
hehe.. tu cite t0ky0 d0gs.. nanba senpai ngan san0 belak0n.. c0mey gilerrr.. tp baru 1 epis0d.. aku de d0nlod.. =p
haha~~ mmg lwk time 2....
sano yg dahsyat series n nanba yg sgt gle2...
ak ske time sano g bli bju tuh..hahaha!
siyes ak xleh msuk blog ko..tah npe tah..ak igt ko block ak...huhu..T_T
kerana 'forum' ini, saya telah membeli orthrosno inu no dvd
49.90. and now ive to get tokyo dogs pulak.. tolong bete sesiape..
haha~gle ko.
tokyo dogs bru air ma~~anda kne tggu...tgk online ar....
ape gune bukak ternet..haha...
weekend ni kasi free bole?ke balik kg juge.jomle bjalan.
haha~bru ader 1st ep....
errr...bencinye ak nk ckp nih....
sabtu ak g sbk bernam...ahad ak ader klas smpi kul kalo dpt kuar pas klas xtau a...ko bleh ke?
ngeeee (sambil menarik-narik rambut dan memboloskan dinding itu.)
kelas mende cik?
rase cam kwn ngan anak ambassador sungai sipot.
tade free tape qis.ak tak kesah.
cek bal: aku x block ko..=p cek marni rilek jek masok blog aku.. huhu..~ aku bru nak kecik ati ko x bg k0men kat blog aku.. T__T
ko g klaz mende qis?? sokmo x gtaw kit0rg.. =p
marni: haha..!!~ rajen gla pi bli dvd.. mahal d0ww.. baek bli album suju.. kuang3..~
orthros no inu tu cite agk sirius.. cam cite Death n0te kan.. jez simple sket ar dr death note..
tp t0ky0 d0gs tu mmg klakar tahap dewa.. haha..!!!~
klas tusyen....
marni: ak pon geram btol...kalo bleh ak xnk g sabak bernam tp kne paksa ngan mak ak.....sowie sgt2!
efie: ak igt ko xnk kawan ngan ak da..huhu.siyes smpi skang pon xleh bukak gak...
kwn2ku cyg.. klu aku dpt smbg sane, kite kuar same2 ekk.. ^^ mntk2 dpt le.. huhu..~ cuak2..
qis: cane k0 bkk blog aku tru marni tp gune id k0?? pelik plak aku.. hehe.. bl0g aku da x bet0l tu.. template pn da tunggang lggang.. aku mahu upah saudari ira utk bet0l kan.. harap besabar ye kwn2.. hehe..
hehe~~da bleh ak begger2 sket..
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