Sunday, May 2, 2010

Birth of a Rich Man


a drama with Ji Hyun Woo [second name for my external after ..teehe!] and Lee bo Young.

The drama follows the story of a man, Choi Suk Bong, who believes that he is actually the son of a rich father and heir to a chaebol group. He meets Lee Shin Mi, who is actually a chaebol heir but acts nothing like one, with her scrimping and frugal ways. Although they get off to a rocky start, with her help, he struggles towards his goal of attaining wealth..
[okay!credit to wiki =.= ]

-ji hyun woo as usual the tall handsome guy..might be chaebol son..!still dont know yet [chaebol=rich]

-he sang...!!!!!!! [falling slowly....~~~ sing the melody..~~~~][weee...!!...^^]

-already watch 13th episode!yay!..faster than kbs eventhough ak bjalan slalu..teehe!


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