I have seen a lot of their episodes but this challenge made their show well known..Their rating beat happy together'S. Excellent!
OK! The 1st one Jung Jin Woo ...vocalist M to M...very nice voice + "kaCak"...^^
Watch Park Kollen comment about him here
2nd video..This gag ahjumma, Hye Ryun...The song is quite GOOD and she express it with feeling. And ada part yg die spoil..so..so..heehehee~
The Fighting champion, Seo Do Won..You must watched the video so U can understand why I choose him. No other word, DAEBAK!
My favourite of favourites. New comedian, Shin Bora. Excellent voice + she looks really pure n innocent..^^
This cute guy, forgot his name but i called him WOW!...because of his mistake..will show you his special later..ke.ke.ke.

best ek? aku ingat tak best. aku duduk rumah ritu. asal ada show ni, aku terus tuka channel. haishh. lambat btaw la ko ni. -.-
tu la...jgn tgk org tua bangka xtau bt lawak..kekekeke.
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